The UW is one of the world’s preeminent public universities. Our impact on individuals, our region and the world is profound — whether we are launching young people into a boundless future or confronting the grand challenges of our time through undaunted research and scholarship. Ranked No. 10 in the world in Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s 2015 rankings, the UW educates more than 54,000 students annually. We turn ideas into impact and transform lives and our world.So what defines our students, faculty and community members? Above all, it’s our belief in possibility and our unshakable optimism. It’s a connection to others near and far. It’s a hunger that pushes us to tackle challenges and pursue progress. It’s the conviction that together we can create a world of good. Join us on the journey.
华盛顿大学大学是世界上最著名的公立大学之一。我们对个人,我们地区和世界的影响是深刻的 - 无论我们是通过无懈可击的研究和奖学金,将年轻人发展到无限的未来还是面对我们时代的巨大挑战。2015年上海交通大学排名世界第十位,大学每年有超过54,000名学生在校就绪。我们把想法变成影响,改变生活和我们的世界。那么什么定义了我们的学生,教师和社区成员?最重要的是,我们相信可能性和我们不可动摇的乐观。我们可以将近处和远处的你我紧密向量。这是一个饥饿,推动我们应对挑战和追求进步的动力。这是一个信念,我们可以共同创造一个美好的世界。加入我们的旅程吧。
We recruit the best, most diverse and innovative faculty and staff from around the world, encouraging a vibrant intellectual community for our students. We link academic excellence to cutting-edge research through scholarly exploration and intellectual rigor. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethics, as a beacon for our community and the world.We are educators and learners. We promote access to excellence and strive to inspire through education that emphasizes the power of discovery and the foundation of critical and analytic thinking. We foster creativity, challenge the boundaries of knowledge and cultivate independence of mind through unique interdisciplinary partnerships.We have grown into the most successful public research university in the nation in attracting support for our research. Ours is a proud culture of innovation, collaboration and discovery that has transformational impact.
The University of Washington was formally established on November 4, 1861, and was originally called the Territorial University of Washington.The following year, the legislature formally incorporated it into the university and established a review committee.At the beginning of the school, the university of Washington was suspended several times for lack of funds and a shortage of students.Until 1876, Clara Antoinette McCarty Wilt became the first graduate of the university of Washington, where she received a bachelor of science degree.By 1889, the city of Seattle and the university of Washington had come a long way, and the university of Washington enrollment had increased from 30 students to nearly 300.
华盛顿大学于1861年11月4日正式挂牌成立,最初称为Territorial University of Washington。次年,立法机关正式纳入大学成立了一个委员会审查。在学校的建校的最初时期,华盛顿大学资金缺乏,缺乏学生几次暂停,直到1876,克拉拉安托瓦内特麦卡蒂枯萎成为华盛顿大学的第一个研究生,在华盛顿大学获得了学士学位。1889,西雅图市和华盛顿大学已经走过了漫长的道路,与华盛顿大学的招生已经从30名学生增加到近300人。
In 1895, the school moved from the city center to the new campus and moved into the new Danny hall.
In 1908, the original Territorial University of Washington was demolished.There are only four columns in the building of the university of Washington.
In 1909, the organizers of the Alaska yukon fair reached an agreement with the university of Washington to open an undeveloped campus into an exhibition area.The two world wars were a period of rapid development for the university of Washington.
In 1916, the famous "human square Quad" began to be built in 1916, and the construction lasted until 1939.The first two wings of the Suzzallo library were completed in 1926 and 1939, which is considered the core of the university.In the
In the 70 s and 1960 s at the university of Washington, ushered in the "golden age" of development, from 1958 to 1958, under the leadership of the headmaster, Charles Odegaard, students, faculty and facilities at the university of Washington, had the huge promotion management budget and academic prestige, ranks among the world's top research universities.It has become the most funded public university in the United States.
1960年-1970年,华盛顿大学迎来了“黄金时代”的发展,从1958到1958,在校长Charles Odegaard领导下。华盛顿大学的学生、教师和设施,有了巨大的提升管理预算和学术威望,世界顶尖的研究型大学之一。它已成为大多数美国公立大学院校中的佼佼者。
At the University of Washington (University of Washington) is a world famous top research University, one of the famous public ivy league schools, was founded in 1861, has 155 years of history, is located in the United States the most suitable to live and work of the city of Seattle, one of the Pacific coast of the oldest University in the United States.For more than 40 years since 1974, the university of Washington has been the most funded public university in the United States.The abundant research funding has made the school a lot of outstanding academic achievements.In addition to the federal government's huge capital investment, the university of Washington also has a huge personal and corporate donations, the headquarters of Microsoft, Boeing and the amazon in Seattle company long-term funding at the university of Washington in the computer, information science and natural science research.
New app could use smartphone selfies to screen for pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer has one of the worst prognoses — with a five-year survival rate of 9 percent — in part because there are no telltale symptoms or non-invasive screening tools to catch a tumor before it spreads.Now, University of Washington researchers are developing an app that could allow people to easily screen for pancreatic cancer and other diseases — by snapping a smartphone selfie.BiliScreen uses a smartphone camera, computer vision algorithms and machine learning tools to detect increased bilirubin levels in a person’s sclera, or the white part of the eye. The app is described in a paper to be presented Sept. 13 at Ubicomp 2017, the Association for Computing Machinery’s International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing.One of the earliest symptoms of pancreatic cancer, as well as other diseases, is jaundice, a yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood. The ability to detect signs of jaundice when bilirubin levels are minimally elevated — but before they’re visible to the naked eye — could enable an entirely new screening program for at-risk individuals.In an initial clinical study of 70 people, the BiliScreen app — used in conjunction with a 3-D printed box that controls the eye’s exposure to light — correctly identified cases of concern 89.7 percent of the time, compared to the blood test currently used.
胰腺癌是最糟糕的预后之一,五年生存率为9%,部分原因是因为没有指示症状或非侵入性筛查工具在肿瘤传播之前就能够获得肿瘤。现在,华盛顿大学的研究人员正在开发一个应用程序,可以让人们轻松筛选胰腺癌和其他疾病 - 通过拍摄智能手机的自拍。BiliScreen使用智能手机相机,计算机视觉算法和机器学习工具来检测人体巩膜或白色部分的胆红素水平升高。该应用程序在9月13日在Ubicomp 2017,计算机国际普遍和无处不在计算国际联合会议协会的论文中进行了介绍。胰腺癌以及其他疾病最早的症状之一是黄疸,黄血液中胆红素会引起皮肤和眼睛的变色。当胆红素水平最低限度升高但在肉眼可见之前,能够检测到黄疸的迹象 - 可以为有风险的个体进行全新的筛查计划。与目前使用的血液测试相比,在70人的初步临床研究中,BiliScreen应用程序与3-D打印盒结合使用,控制眼睛暴露于光照 - 正确确定了89.7%的时间关注的病例。
As Tolstoy noted (sort of), all unhappy microbiomes are unhappy in their own way
The bacterial communities that live inside each of our guts are relatively similar when times are good, but when stress enters the equation, those communities can react very differently from person to person.This microbiological version of the “Anna Karenina principle” is a new paradigm suggested by scientists at the University of Washington Bothell and Oregon State University. It may suggest who would benefit most from screens to identify the microbes that reside in their gut, with implications for drug therapy, management of chronic diseases and other aspects of medical care.On Aug. 24, the researchers published a perspective piece in Nature Microbiology outlining their adaptation of the Anna Karenina principle for the microbial realm. The principle gets its name from the opening line of the novel “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.It turns out that this observation applies to perturbed microbiotas of humans and animals. When these microbiotas are unhappy, each is unhappy in its own way.“This line of thinking started with studies of the microbiology of threatened corals,” said lead and corresponding author Jesse Zaneveld, an assistant professor of biological sciences at UW Bothell. “We found that several stressors made the types of bacteria on corals more variable, allowing blooms of different harmful bacteria on each coral.”Before joining the UW Bothell faculty, Zaneveld was a postdoctoral researcher at OSU, working with assistant professor of microbiology Rebecca Vega Thurber. It was there that they formulated the idea that microbial communities might behave more in line with Tolstoy’s words than scientists had previously thought.“When microbiologists have looked at how microbiomes change when their hosts are stressed from any number of factors — temperature, smoking, diabetes, for example — they’ve tended to assume directional and predictable changes in the community,” said Vega Thurber, who is also a corresponding author on the perspective. “After tracking many datasets of our own we rarely seemed to find this pattern but rather found a distinct one where microbiomes actually change in a stochastic, or random, way.”
生活在我们每一个胆量内的细菌群落在时间好的时候相对相似,但是当压力进入方程式时,这些社区对人与人之间的反应会有很大的不同。“ Anna Karenina原则 ”的这一微生物学版是华盛顿大学和俄勒冈州立大学的科学家提出的一个新范例。这可能表明谁将从屏幕中获益最多,以确定其肠道中的微生物,对药物治疗,慢性病管理和医疗保健的其他方面有影响。8月24日,研究人员在“ 自然微生物学”(Nature Microbiology)上发表了一篇透视图,概述了他们对微生物领域的安娜·卡列尼娜(Anna Karenina)原理的适应。这个原则是由莱奥托尔斯泰小说“Anna Karenina”的开幕式命名的:“所有幸福的家庭都是一样的; 每个不快乐的家庭都以自己的方式不开心。“事实证明,这一观察结果适用于人类和动物的扰动微生物。当这些微生物不快乐时,每个人都以自己的方式不快乐。UW Bothell生物科学助理教授Leade和相应的作者Jesse Zaneveld说:“这一思路从对受威胁珊瑚的微生物学研究开始。“我们发现,几种压力因素使得珊瑚上的细菌类型变化更大,从而允许每个珊瑚上的不同有害细菌绽放。“我们对与艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的相似之处感到震惊。艾滋病毒在抑制免疫系统后,患者易受机会性病原体的伤害 - 但您无法预测哪一种将感染任何特定的病人。事实证明,这种微生物变异是许多共同的一种模式 - 虽然当然不是全部 - 应激源和疾病,并且发生在有用的微生物以及有害的微生物。在加入UW Bothell教授之前,Zaneveld是OSU的博士后研究员,与微生物学家助理教授Rebecca Vega Thurber合作。在那里,他们提出了这样的想法:微生物群落的行为可能比科学家以前认为的更符合托尔斯泰的话。Vega Thurber说:“当微生物学家们看到微生物群体在任何数量的因素(例如温度,吸烟,糖尿病等)都受到压力时,会如何改变微生物群体的变化 - 他们倾向于在社区中采取方向性和可预测的变化。”也是对应作者的观点。“跟踪我们自己的许多数据集后,我们很少会发现这种模式,而是发现微生物实际上以随机或随机的方式实际发生变化。
Scientists to create digital encyclopedia of 3-D vertebrate specimens
A $2.5 million National Science Foundation grant will daylight thousands of specimens from their museum shelves by CT scanning 20,000 vertebrates and making these data-rich, 3-D images available online to researchers, educators, students and the public.The project oVert, short for openVertebrate, complements other NSF-sponsored museum digitization efforts, such as iDigBio, by adding a crucial component that has been difficult to capture — the internal anatomy of specimens.With virtual access to specimens, researchers could peel away the skin of a passenger pigeon to glimpse its circulatory system, a class of third graders could determine a copperhead’s last meal, undergraduate students could 3-D print and compare skulls across a range of frog species and a veterinarian could plan a surgery on a giraffe in a zoo.CT scan of an eastern hog-nosed snake, Heterodon platyrhinos, showing its last two meals: a salamander and a toad.Ed Stanley/Florida Museum of Natural History“In a time when museums and schools are losing natural history collections and giving up due to costs, we are recognizing the information held in these specimens is only getting more valuable,” said project co-principal investigator Luke Tornabene, assistant professor of aquatic and fishery sciences at the University of Washington and curator of fishes at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture.“I think this project is going to help create a renaissance of the importance of natural history collections,” he said.
250万美元的国家科学基金会赠款将通过CT扫描20,000只脊椎动物,从其博物馆货架上收集数千个标本,并将这些数据丰富的3-D图像在线提供给研究人员、教育工作者、学生和公众。openVortebrate的缩写项目oVert补充了其他NSF赞助的博物馆数字化工作,例如iDigBio,增加了难以捕获的关键组件 - 标本的内部解剖。研究人员通过虚拟访问标本,可以剥离乘客的皮肤,瞥见其循环系统,一类三年级学生可以确定铜头的最后一顿饭,本科生可以3-D打印并比较一系列青蛙种类的头骨兽医可以计划在动物园里长颈鹿的手术。猪鼻蛇的CT扫描,Heterodon platyrhinos,显示最后两餐:蝾螈和蟾蜍。爱德·斯坦利/佛罗里达自然历史博物馆“在的时候,博物馆和学校正在失去自然历史收藏,由于成本,我们认识到在这些标本中保存的信息放弃只得到更有价值,”项目合作的主要研究者称卢克·托纳比内,水产助理教授,华盛顿大学的渔业科学院和自然历史文化博物馆的鱼类策展人。“我认为这个项目将有助于创造自然历史收藏重要性的复兴,”他说。在这个由佛罗里达大学佛罗里达自然历史博物馆牵头的新项目中,UW加入了其他15个机构。这笔赠款将使研究人员超过四年将标本从博物馆藏品运送到扫描仪,扫描和上传图像,并将其组织在公共数据库。
Lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults suffer more chronic health conditions than heterosexuals, study finds
A new University of Washington study finds that lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults are more likely than heterosexuals to suffer chronic health conditions.Lesbian and bisexual older women are more likely than heterosexual older women to suffer chronic health conditions, experience sleep problems and drink excessively, a new University of Washington study finds.In general, lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) older adults were found to be in poorer health than heterosexuals, specifically in terms of higher rates of cardiovascular disease, weakened immune system and low back or neck pain. They also were at greater risk of some adverse health behaviors such as smoking and excessive drinking. At the same time, however, findings point to areas of resilience, with more LGB adults engaging in preventive health measures, such as obtaining HIV tests and blood pressure screening.The findings were published in the August issue of the American Journal of Public Health.While this study did not delve into what causes the poorer health outcomes, UW social work professor Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen pointed to other research, including the landmark longitudinal study, Aging with Pride: National Health, Aging and Sexuality/Gender Study, that has identified associated factors“The strong predictors of poor health are discrimination and victimization,” said Fredriksen-Goldsen, the principal investigator on Aging with Pride, which surveyed 2,450 adults aged 50 to 100, studying the impact of historical, environmental, psychological, social, behavioral and biological factors on LGBT older adult health and well-being.The new UW study relied on the 2013-14 National Health Interview Survey, which for the first time asked respondents about their sexual orientation. In the United States, approximately 2.7 million adults age 50 and older self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. This number is expected to increase to more than 5 million by 2060.
Among the UW study’s findings:
Disability and mental distress are significantly more prevalent among lesbians or gay men than among their bisexual counterparts.Strokes, heart attacks, asthma, arthritis and lower back or neck pain affected significantly greater percentages of lesbian and bisexual women than heterosexual women. For example, 53 percent of lesbians and bisexual women experienced lower back or neck pain, versus not quite 40 percent of heterosexual.Nearly 7 percent of gay and bisexual men, compared to 4.8 percent of heterosexual men, suffered chest pain related to heart disease.More LGB people reported weakened immune systems: about 17 percent of women, and 15 percent of men, compared to 10 percent of heterosexual women, and 5 percent of heterosexual men.Lesbian and bisexual women were up to two times as likely to engage in adverse health behaviors such as excessive drinking.More than three-fourths of gay and bisexual men, and almost half of lesbians and bisexual women, had received an HIV test. In contrast, roughly one-fourth of heterosexuals had obtained a test.Slightly more lesbian and bisexual women had health insurance than heterosexual women, a possible reflection of professional choices, financial independence or same-sex partner benefits.
新华盛顿大学的一项研究发现,女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋老年人比异性恋者更容易遭受慢性健康状况。一位新华盛顿大学的研究发现,女同性恋和双性恋老年妇女比异性恋老年妇女更容易遭受慢性健康状况,经历睡眠问题和过度饮酒。一般来说,女同性恋,男同性恋和双性恋(LGB)老年人的身体健康状况比异性恋者更差,特别是在心血管疾病发病率较高,免疫系统减弱,腰背痛或颈部疼痛方面。他们也有一些不利的健康行为,如吸烟和饮酒过多的风险。然而,与此同时,研究结果指出了韧性领域,更多的LGB成人从事预防性健康措施,例如获得艾滋病毒检测和血压筛查。该研究首次使用国家,基于人口的数据来评估女同性恋,男同性恋和双性恋老年人的健康结果和行为方面的差异。根据美国疾病预防控制中心的基于概率的研究,使用33,000名异性恋和LGB成年人50岁以上的33,000名异性恋和LGB成年人的两年调查数据,UW社会工作学院的研究人员报告了LGB与异性恋成年人之间健康差异显着。该研究结果发表在八月号的美国公共卫生杂志。虽然这项研究没有深入研究导致较差的健康结果,但UW社会工作教授Karen Fredriksen-Goldsen指出了其他研究,包括具有里程碑意义的纵向研究,老龄化:国家健康,老龄化和性欲/性别研究,已经确定相关因素。Pride老龄化研究的主要研究员Fredriksen-Goldsen说:“健康状况不佳的强烈预测因素是歧视和受害者”,调查了2,450名50至100岁的成年人,研究了历史,环境,心理,社会,行为和生物学的影响LGBT成年人健康和福祉的因素。新的UW研究依赖于2013-14年度国家健康访谈调查,该调查首次向受访者询问他们的性取向。在美国,大约二百七十万五十岁以上的成年人自认为女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋或变性者。到2060年,这一数字预计将增至500万以上。
Computer scientists use music to covertly track body movements, activity
As smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and other smart devices become more prevalent in our lives, computer scientists have raised concerns that these network-enabled devices, if not properly secured, could be co-opted to steal data or invade user privacy.Now researchers at the University of Washington have demonstrated how it is possible to transform a smart device into a surveillance tool that can collect information about the body position and movements of the user, as well as other people in the device’s immediate vicinity. Their approach involves remotely hijacking smart devices to play music embedded with repeating pulses that track a person’s position, body movements, and activities both in the vicinity of the device as well as through walls.The team, from the UW’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, showed how it is possible to collect such detailed data on personal activity using CovertBand, software code they created to turn smart devices into active sonar systems. As the researchers will report at the Ubicomp 2017 conference on Sept. 13, CovertBand can utilize built-in microphones and speakers in a smart device — and can be controlled remotely.
随着智能手机,平板电脑,智能电视和其他智能设备在我们的生活中变得越来越普遍,计算机科学家已经引起了人们的担忧,即这些启用网络的设备(如果不能正确保护)可以被选择窃取数据或侵入用户隐私。现在,华盛顿大学的研究人员已经展示了如何将智能设备变成监视工具,该工具可以收集关于用户以及设备附近其他人的身体位置和动作的信息。他们的方法包括远程劫持智能设备播放嵌入重复脉冲的音乐,跟踪人员的位置,身体动作以及设备附近以及墙壁上的活动。来自UW的Paul G. Allen计算机科学与工程学院的团队展示了如何使用CovertBand收集有关个人活动的详细数据,并将其创建的软件代码转换为主动声纳系统。研究人员将于 9月13 日在Ubicomp 2017会议上报告,CovertBand可以在智能设备中使用内置麦克风和扬声器,并可远程控制。据我们所知,这是第一次有人证明可以将智能商品设备(如智能手机和智能电视)转换为使用音乐的主动声纳系统,”高级作者Shyam Gollakota说,计算机科学副教授和工程。“CovertBand可以通过墙壁收集的物理信息 - 甚至通过墙壁进行收集 - 足够详细地告诉攻击者了解用户正在做什么以及附近的其他人。”CovertBand利用主动声纳的原理来收集这些信息。主动声纳系统,如潜艇,通过发出声脉冲来确定物体的位置。这些声波在其路径中反弹物体,并且可以由接收器拾取偏转的波,以确定物体的位置,距离和形状。
Almost all of Washington's main campus buildings are themed on gothic architecture, gothic style, Red square in central square and Red brick.The Library of Suzzallo, the Library of the square, is typical of gothic architecture: numerous archway inlaid figures, with intricate patterns carved on the posts and frames.On the second floor, the stained glass Windows of the reading room will give a light blue glow under the glow of the sunset, adding a lot of bright colors to this solemn and solemn building.Walk down the steps to the left of the square, and you'll see a circular Fountain Drumheller Fountain with cherry trees on both sides of the road.On a clear day, you can see mount Rainier in the distance.Not far from the main entrance to the university of Washington is the Burke Museum of Natural History & Culture, with several tall totem poles at the door.The museum displays a number of precious Indian artifacts, including totems, canoes, and various handicrafts.The modern Art Gallery, Henry Art Gallery, often hosts exhibitions of modern Art.In addition to its beautiful campus, The University of Washington has a lively dining experience of shopping street University Way NE (also called The Ave), restaurants with a variety of different countries, as well as a variety of other stores.
Student housing
A variety of housing options are available at the UW. Offering traditional residence halls, the newest state-of-the-art facilities, apartment-style living and fraternity and sorority housing, there is something for everyone.
Undergraduates:The UW residence halls, staffed by an award-winning Residential Life team, offer the utmost in convenience, a supportive environment in which to live and learn, and myriad opportunities for undergraduates to meet friends and engage with the community.
Graduate & professionals:Our apartments are the ideal option for graduate and professional students, singles, couples and families. Designed for busy students, they provide convenience, support and plenty of opportunities for community involvement.
Whether you are visiting one of our restaurants or markets, or grabbing an espresso on the way to class, we want you to have a great customer experience when dining with us. From our award-winning sustainable dining program to our focus on culinary discovery, our program offers a distinct dining experience. Here’s a snapshot of what UW Dining is all about, and we look forward to you dining with us to experience more!
We've recruited our culinary staff from many of Seattle’s favorite restaurants. They are passionate about their craft and instill that passion into their creative menus and their staff.We source the best of local and seasonal products for our recipes, which are written and tested by our Campus Executive Chef.We believe in culinary discovery, and offer frequent special events for our guests to explore foods from our locale and regions all over the world in partnership with student groups like FIUTS and UW Farm.
无论您是参观我们的餐厅或市场,还是在上课的同时,还要品尝浓咖啡,我们希望您在与我们一起用餐时,拥有良好的客户体验。从我们屡获殊荣的 可持续餐饮计划到我们专注于烹饪发现,我们的课程提供了独特的用餐体验。以下是UW Dining的全部内容,我们期待您与我们一起体验更多!
我们从许多西雅图最喜欢的餐馆招聘了我们的烹饪人员。他们热衷于他们的工艺,并将激情灌输到他们的创意菜单和员工身上。我们为我们的食谱提供最好的本地和季节性产品,由我们的校园行政总厨编写和测试。我们相信烹饪发现,并为客人提供频繁的特别活动,与来自FIUTS和UW Farm 等学生团体合作,与来自世界各地的地区和地区探索食物。冰淇淋,在赫斯基山上享用优质的葡萄酒冰淇淋。传统美食和季节风味包括哈斯基式薰衣草和咸味糖质丝带日光浴和香蕉等。
Campus safety
You have a right to live, work, study and socialize in an environment that’s free of violence and harassment. If you have concerns about your or another person’s wellbeing, these services can help.The UW Police Department is committed to partnering with you to create a safe campus. Visit our website for crime prevention tips and more.Call for a walking escort,Late night at the library? Husky NightWalk provides uniformed security guards to walk you safely across campus after dark.
2004年:琳达·巴克(Linda B. Buck)(生理学与医学):嗅觉受体分子研究。1975年微生物系。
1994年:马丁·罗德贝尔(Martin Rodbell)(生理学与医学):G蛋白的发现以及其在细胞信号传导中的作用。1954年生物化学系。
1988年:乔治·希青斯(George Hitchings)(生理学与医学):对药物治疗原理的研究。1927年化学系。
1982年:乔治·斯蒂格勒(George Stigler) (经济学):规制经济学理论。1931年经济系。